Welcome to Student Engagement & Career Development.
We are here to inspire and prepare all graduates to create lives of opportunity aligned with their purpose and values.
On this website you’ll find the resources and support you need for finding opportunities, making connections, and building skills during your Wildcat and early Alumni years. Subscribe to our career communities for updates and relevant resources that align best with where you are in your career journey.
Start Your Journey At LifeLab
University of Arizona students can get started with LifeLab to find clear next steps for support and engagement, not only for their time as college students but to build toward their life beyond college. This service connects students to 1:1 peer support and a warm introduction to campus engagement, research opportunities, networking, experiential learning and internships. No appointment necessary.
“My LifeLab guide was extremely helpful! They were a good listener, answered all my questions & offered so much support.” – First-Year Wildcat |
The Impact Of Internships
Did you know? Wildcats who participate in an internship are 2x more likely to report full-time employment at graduation.*
*AY20 Graduating Senior Survey
Learn more about internships and the resources available to you on campus at SECD.
Visit our Summer Impact Award gallery to meet SECD-supported students who’ve recently completed an internship experience.
If you are starting your internship search or preparing to apply, you can schedule a time to meet 1:1 with an Internship Coach.
“Pursuing an internship was really eye-opening. I got to see the difference between academics and industry. It helped me to get used to the professional world, something school does not always prepare you for.” – Summer Internship Program Participant |
At SECD our vision is that every Wildcat finds support within the University of Arizona community to:
1. Develop in-demand employable skills within and beyond the classroom.
2. Engage in experiences that expand their capacity to lead and to solve authentic challenges facing our communities and organizations.
3. Design and implement a career plan aligned with personal strengths and values for a lifetime of opportunity and well-being.