We are passionate about helping alumni find a job they love or thrive in the one they have. See below for resources to help alumni navigate career shifts.
Students: expand your knowledge about industries, job functions, and employer culture at participating organizations via this low-stakes, high-value opportunity to peak behind the curtain! Alumni and employers: host one or more students! Learn more.
When it comes to answering interview questions, there are lots of ways you can prepare. For example, you know the interviewer will probably ask you what your strengths and weaknesses are and why you applied for the role. And because …
Ah, money. We all think about so much of the time, but it can be so uncomfortable to talk about. When it comes to negotiating your salary for a new job, though, it’s critical that you find a way to …
When you think about what to say in a job interview, you probably assume you’ll be answering common interview questions. And while what you say when you answer those questions matters, there are a few more things you should say …
If you are seeking a new job, there are many important steps to ensure you are properly prepared for your job search.
Remember that regardless of the process, your ultimate goal is to convince a hiring manager that you are …