
How to Schedule a Career Advising Appointment

All current U of A students and alumni that have graduated in the past year can schedule a one-on-one appointment …

How to Write Your First Resume

Let’s start with what a resume is (and is not), then follow the guidelines below to write your first one-page …

Writing a Resume Summary Statement

What is a summary statement?

A well-written summary acts as a strong opening statement that calls out a few top …

Write Impressive Bullet Points Using APR Format

Effective resumes use bulleted accomplishment-driven statements to describe experiences using a format called APR: Action + Project/Problem + Result. Learn to write …

Resume Formatting Do’s & Don’ts

DO: Try to keep it to one page

A resume for an undergraduate student should be able to fit on …

Resume Checklist

See how your resume compares to our checklist of best practices for writing and formatting.

Cover Letter Writing Guide

Write your first cover letter by downloading the template below and following the step-by-step guide for overall formatting and what …