Health & BiosciencesResearch & AcademiaResearch Experiences

MCB 397D | The Molecular Genetics of Plants

Typically offered every Spring

Description: This course is designed for juniors, particularly transfer students who have not participated in university research up to this point. The course will give students the opportunity to participate in an ongoing research project that seeks to understand the molecular basis of how plant (Arabidopsis) roots respond to their environment and different nutrient levels. Students will conduct a research project on self-selected environmental factors; developing projects to understand how plants regulate the growth of their roots. In addition to participating in research, students will learn about the undergraduate research ecosystem at the UA campus by exploring and applying for potential research opportunities. At the end of the class, students will have cultivated research skills that will make them competitive applicants for summer research programs and graduate school. Course prerequisites include MCB181L/R, ECOL182L/R, CHEM151L/R, and CHEM152L/R.

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