Informational interviewing is a unique and influential networking resource in any internship journey. No matter if you’re searching for internships or already in an internship, it’s important to think about how you can stay connected and learn from others. You …
When looking for research opportunities, it’s important to start your search early! Research applications, like any other programs or positions that you apply to, take time. You have to find positions that you’re interested in, ensure you meet the stated …
It’s always hard taking that first step when it comes to applying to jobs. We think to ourselves “Do I have the right experience?”. Well, all those fears are valid and nobody should be intimidated by a job application process: …
We can all recall a time where procrastination got the best of us. For many of us, our first instinct is to run away from what is causing us stress and anxiety. We tend to ignore our hard tasks, in …
I am a peer coach at the University of Arizona, curious about the impact of internships. In my last article, I was interested in what internship opportunities are available in Tucson and their impact, and interviewed Tami Sanchez who directs …