Thank you for recruiting at the University of Arizona! The Student Engagement & Career Development team leads and coordinates our campus-wide commitment to foster career success for each student.
Our mission is to inspire and prepare all graduates to create lives of opportunity aligned with their purpose and values. We work to support all students in engaging in experiences that expand their capacity to lead and solve authentic challenges, develop in-demand employable skills, and design and implement a career plan.
We make it easy for you to hire qualified Wildcats. When you become a Wildcat Career Alliance member, we partner with you to create a strategic campus recruiting strategy, helping you cultivate and identify talent. Through targeted, customized training, branding, and recruiting opportunities, we focus on fostering meaningful interactions between you and University of Arizona students. We partner with Handshake to connect students to jobs, internships, and other opportunities. Visit our resources to get started on Handshake, or connect with us at